Standard Solutions > Fiber optics > Fibre cleaner IBC™ brand cleaner LC/SC

Fibre cleaner IBC™ brand cleaner LC/SC

Fiber Optic Cleaners

Fibre cleaner IBC™ brand cleaner LC/SC

Patented fiber optic cleaner (US Conec) for cleaning SC, FC, ST and LC connectors. The cleaning pin turns while the cleaning band is drawn over the fiber end surface. This ensures that the fiber end surface is left clean after a single cleaning operation.


  • Easy pushing motion engages connector and initiates cleaning
  • Disposable with 525+ cleanings per unit
  • Made from antistatic resins
  • Cleaning micro fibers are densely stranded and debris free
  • Cleaning system rotates 180° for a full sweep
  • Extendable (27 mm) tip reaches recessed connectrors
  • Audible click when fully engaged
  • Proven effective at removing (Test reports available): Arizona Road Dust, Dryer Lint, Graphite – Post
  • Mate, Distiled H2O Residue, NaCl Residue, Skin Oil, Graphite – Pre Mate, 70 % IPA Residue, Hand Lotion,
  • Vegetable Oil


  • Fiber network panels and assemblies
  • Outdoor FTTX applications
  • Cable assembly production
  • Test laboratory
  • Servers, switches, routers and OADMS with SC, FC, ST and LC interface


Produktvideo für SC-, FC-, ST- Stecker

Produktvideo für LC-Stecker

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Selma Nezirević Ramić

Selma Nezirević Ramić

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