published on 11/01/24
Competitive pressure from Asia, challenges with global supply chains, and a shortage of skilled workers, especially in STEM fields: Christian Raith took on the leadership of IMM Photonics in challenging times. We spoke with him about his strategic approach and vision.

Mr. Raith, you took over the leadership of IMM Photonics in the midst of the COVID crisis and initially worked alongside your father for three years. Since early 2023, you have been the sole managing director. What changes has this brought?
Christian Raith: One of the first things I tackled, together with the second level of management, was a strategy process across all departments. We asked ourselves, ‘How can we reposition the company? How can we develop it further, both externally and internally?’ As part of this, we launched a series of modernization initiatives, some of which are already taking effect, while others are still in progress.
Which of these are already visible externally today?
I think the most important point is that we are shifting our focus. My father came from a distribution background, so during my parents’ time, the emphasis was on selling standard products in the fields of lasers, fiber optics, and other optics, UV, and UVC, which were then customized according to customer needs. Now, both the markets and our expertise have changed significantly.
We have become specialists in highly integrated custom solutions, with a particular strength in working with industries that have especially high demands for quality and longevity. We will continue to develop in this direction, focusing on even more complex and customized solutions. We aim to be increasingly recognized as a provider in this area moving forward.
What does that mean specifically: Can you share more about the products you will produce in the future?
“I would love to, but since we design and manufacture new solutions based on specific customer orders, it’s challenging to predict these future products. Additionally, we are bound by strict confidentiality agreements. What I can say, however, is where our focus will lie—in the field of life sciences, including bioanalytics, biomedicine, and medical technology. Other key areas are measurement technology, gas detection, and fiber optics.”
Why these industries specifically?
“Photonics is in demand across many fields. But when I have a choice as an entrepreneur, I prefer areas that are positively impactful and serve life and sustainability. This direction is largely value-driven. In addition, we see clear strengths in these areas; as I mentioned, we’re able to meet the high standards for quality, durability, and longevity that companies in these fields require. Being a trained bioengineer, I also bring personal expertise in medical technology and bioanalytics. Economically and in terms of future prospects, these fields are highly promising: we’re living longer, and maintaining good health is a universal concern. This growing need is worth investing in.”
Can you provide a specific example of a medical technology application?
“A vivid example is the rapid heart attack detection device used in ambulances. If there’s a suspected heart attack, a single drop of blood in this new device is enough. It measures a fluorescence signal, and within moments, the paramedic knows the risk level. In critical cases, they call ahead to the hospital so the operating room can be prepared immediately. This saves valuable time and significantly improves patients’ survival chances.

And fluorescence is where you come in?
Exactly. We supply the laser that triggers the fluorescence. The entire device is built by our client, who has been distributing it worldwide for a long time. There are certainly over 100,000 devices in use. We also provide components for MRIs and CT scanners, which also play a crucial role in detecting various diseases.
In addition, our laser and optical solutions support modern systems for PCR mass testing, which played a crucial role in assessing developments during the COVID-19 pandemic. And these are just a few examples from the field of medical technology.
You mentioned a series of modernization initiatives at the beginning. What internal changes are coming at IMM Photonics?
A key factor for us is advancing the company’s digitalization. For instance, we’re working on integrating our existing digital processes in material requirements planning with new digital applications, like production planning and automated measurement data collection. There’s also great potential to use AI here to analyze and make effective use of the hundreds of thousands or even millions of data points we’ll gather. Our goal is to simplify life for both our clients and our workforce. For example, we could make measurement data available to the client, facilitating their production processes. For our employees, this data can help identify and eliminate sources of error.
Another focus for me is sustainability. We’ve already set a lot in motion here and are continually working on improvements. We’ve transitioned our entire fleet to e-mobility and are steadily advancing our ratings on the internationally recognized EcoVadis sustainability platform.
A significant issue in technical industries is the shortage of skilled workers in STEM fields. How are you addressing this?
This is indeed a major challenge, and we’re tackling it from various angles. It starts with modernizing our company and leadership culture: we’re committed to collaboration at all levels, prioritizing approachability, participation, and a positive attitude toward mistakes. It’s very important to us that our employees can easily balance work and personal life, so we place high value on providing as much flexibility as possible. In Unterschleißheim, everyone can choose between working remotely or in the office, with a range of scheduling options. We create numerous opportunities for employees to contribute and develop professionally. Key areas that we have long supported are generational transitions and the related knowledge transfer. And, last but not least, we’re intensifying our commitment to developing young talent by expanding our in-house training to include technical fields, starting in 2026.

In closing, a brief outlook. How do you assess your market prospects for the next ten years?
Very positively, as we are in a sector that continuously opens up new possibilities, and there is still a long way to go. The entire segment is booming, leaving enough market share for everyone. This is also reflected in the general atmosphere, which remains very collaborative, even when dealing with competitors. It’s a field where collaboration takes precedence over cutthroat competition. Finally, we’re fortunate to have clients who proactively and innovatively push forward new ideas and rely on IMM Photonics to do so.