Custom Solutions

Your project, our contribution.

Why IMM Photonics?

You know your application and the new goal, but optics is only a minor part? IMM Photonics provides options and shortcuts to make reaching your goal easier. Successful products thrive on complexity and the interplay of all components, but no one is a specialist in everything. IMM Photonics excels in fiber technology and the development of compact diode modules, even highly integrated ones. Small quantities of a few hundred or even dozens are not a showstopper for us but rather an incentive and challenge.

Our Applications

Solutions made by IMM Photonics

Our developers use their knowledge and years of experience to assess the fastest path to success and identify potential hidden obstacles. At IMM Photonics, you’ll find consultation, design, feasibility studies, prototype development, as well as pre-series and mass production. Our mission is to further develop existing designs to better serve their purpose, making them more readily available and easier to produce. Creating something new in collaboration with you, flexibly adapting it, and transitioning it to series production brings us joy.

Brochure Individual Solutions

The IMM Development Funnel

  • Are there already similar solutions that can be adapted to your requirements?
  • If not, can an existing technology be used?
  • What needs to be newly developed and adjusted?
  • Is a completely new approach economically viable and goal-oriented?
  • Is it technically feasible?
IMM Photonics picture process

Manufacturing in mind from the start

IMM Photonics supports you from the initial idea through to series production. With our years of experience, we know which designs are manufacturable to ensure that no barriers exist between prototypes and series production. Comprehensive planning leads to durable designs and avoids quality loss and cost increases later on.

IMM Photonics – THE solution provider for integrated modules and complex system integration.

Feel free to call us or send us an email via the following link Contact
IMM Photonics Maximilian Heym

Maximilian Heym

Chief Sales Officer